Cuban visual arts/ all.art.experienced/ #Notblurry

Cuban visual arts/ all.art.experienced/ #Notblurry
- Idea & Concept
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- Idea & Concept
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- About/ Our credo
There are not appointed members operating here like in a vertical traditional organization. Cuba Fine Art Box is a collectively- run Internet startup defending a co-op business model in which authorities in the fine art business and customers connect through a wide-ranging task management system.
As a platform, Cuba Fine Art Box designed a Service Scheme in which operations are completed by an adjudication method that entitles an appointed expert in the industry to take over and act as a Project Manager in the arrangement of every art service, task or assignment requested.
At the center of this initiative lays a concept in which your satisfaction and trust (whether a novel fine art collector or a MoMA representative) are an important part of our value structure. This notion has helped to conceive a detailed service model in which the credentials and expertise of those involved in delivering the outcome, are set to play in the best interest of the client all through the acquisition process.
The vision of this venture is to facilitate a full point of access to successful Cuban visual art acquisitions through an unbiased method that connects collectors’ needs to the right sources, all available sources.
In its core, Cuba Fine Art Box targets the retreating of an old practice: the lack of coherence of Cuba's fine arts in relation to the international art market.
The plea then is made to revert the broad consent that Cuban fine arts, although highly regarded by critics and connoisseurs, have never reached momentum in the global art bazaar.
By all means, this is a commitment set to construct bridges of comfort and trust by rebelling the inborn characteristics of the custom that affects the commercialization of Cuban visual arts.
There are not appointed members operating here like in a vertical traditional organization. All endorsing practitioners here find an opportunity to contest the contradiction affecting the Cuban fine art trade-off. Everyone in the diligence is either explicit or implicitly called up to be an active part of Cuba Fine Art Box open initiative.
Would you like to be part of another approach (and reach) to Cuban visual art investments?
Below you can access some guidelines to consider when buying Cuban fine art in 2020.
- Stay in touch!The A- Blog: a venue for Cuban fine arts and the nuance of its presence in the global art bazaar.
- The Dossier Box
Besides addressing artists of any worth range, we have special interest in endorsing emergent and mid-career contemporary Cuban artists.
The Dossier Box focuses on a curated roster of present-day artists that stand out for the quality and relevancy of their work.
You can join this members-only section on The Dossier Box to enjoy special editions of Viewing Rooms with available artworks from various historical stages of Cuban art.

Cuban visual arts on the rise
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